Barnes and Noble Book Signing – Recovery at Barnes and Noble

I was in Minneapolis this summer and did a book signing and reading at the Minneapolis Barnes and Noble. This was different. I have presented four times at the American Psychological Association Convention and at the Employee Assistance Professionals Association for hundreds of people. However, this was not going to be another academic presentation. I was doing a signing in my home town for my new book, The Adversity Advantage , and it felt different. It is easy to stand up in front of people who don’t know you and tell them your thoughts and opinions from a professional perspective. You are seen as an expert , and with a Ph.D. behind your name people give you instant respect. But, that is not the case when you are presenting in the town you grew up in. People know your warts. I was nervous. I had told many people about the event , and my publisher had made it clear that for Barnes and Noble to be happy we needed to have good attendance. I arrived early, dressed in Mi...