
Jude Miller Burke, Ph.D.
Speaker, Leader, Organizational Consultant, Executive Coach
Jude Miller Burke has over twenty years experience in management and leadership positions. During her tenure at Honeywell she provided management consultation on critical employee work problems, individual employee counseling, and educational programs on personal and work problems.  As Vice President of Operations at OPTUM, a subsidiary of United Health Group, Jude built a national employee assistance program that provided services to companies throughout the nation. Her special areas of expertise include management consultation, leadership development, team effectiveness, employee performance improvement, and workplace and domestic violence prevention.
Jude has provided executive and leadership coaching for the past ten years through the University of St. Thomas Business Center in Minneapolis, Murro Partners, and her own business, JAMB Consulting, both in Phoenix.
Her credentials include:
o   Doctorate in Organizational Systems
o   Masters in Organizational Development
o   Masters in Counseling Psychology
o   Licensed Psychologist  (M.A. Level)
For the past ten years, Jude has been a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Fresh Start Women’s Foundation providing oversight to programs and services in the Women’s Resource Center, including educational and career development, financial planning, personal counseling, and leadership development.
Jude received the Community Change Agent award in 2009 for her work in the area of domestic violence prevention  from the Sojourner Center.
Jude has recently completed a five- year scientific research project on how the personality traits and work styles that help individuals overcome obstacles and become successful. She also studied the gender similarities and differences for individuals on their pathway to success. She has presented her work at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Conferences four times starting in 2010. Jude has also presented at the national Employee Assistance Program Association’s annual conferences. In addition, she has published multiple articles in professional journals in the area of leadership and success.
She is the author of the recently released books, The Millionaire Mystique: How Working Women Become Wealthy and You Can Too! and The Adversity Advantage: Turn Your Childhood Hardship Into Career and Life Success. She has had several appearances on Fox News, Wall Street Journal Live, and many local news shows.
Dr. Miller Burke is passionate about helping people overcome obstacles to reach life satisfaction and career success!


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